Dive into creative storytelling with our award-winning instructor

Heather Clitheroe is a distinguished creative writing instructor at University of Calgary Continuing Education. She received a 2023 University of Calgary Teaching Award, recognizing her remarkable contributions to education. Receiving the teaching award was a milestone for Heather. She credits her success to the encouragement from colleagues and the heartfelt testimonials from her students. "It's really about the people that encouraged me to fill out the application, but especially to the students who shared how creative writing opens their lives," Heather reflects.


Heather's path to teaching was a natural extension of her lifelong passion for storytelling. "I have always written stories and wanted to tell stories," she says. During the pandemic, she was encouraged by a friend to teach a science fiction and fantasy class, a genre she herself writes in. Since then, her repertoire has expanded to include mystery, grant writing, and even initiating a course in fan fiction and franchise writing. Heather's innovative fan fiction and franchise writing course has been a groundbreaking success. Recognizing the legitimacy and passion of fan fiction writers, she created a space for them to explore their craft. The course has been a positive experience for students, allowing them to express their love for their favourite stories and characters openly.

Heather offers her perspective on teaching creative writing to adult learners, along with tools that are new and old to the creative writing process.

The Advantage of Flexibility

Heather finds joy in creating courses that explore the discipline without the pressure of deadlines. "For me, teaching community-based programs to adult learners is about creating courses that explore the joy of the discipline," she explains. Her approach focuses on helping students discover their own storytelling voices in a supportive and flexible environment. With her teaching philosophy rooted in flexibility, she believes there is no one-size-fits-all method for creative writing. "My approach to creative writing is that I never met a deadline I couldn't blow past," she jokes. She emphasizes the importance of finding one's own path and pace in writing, encouraging students to embrace what works best for them.

You belong. If you want to take a writing class, that makes you a writer. Come write with us.

Heather's flexible approach has been well-received by her students, many of whom are returning to the classroom later in life. She notes that flexibility in deadlines and understanding personal obligations create a respectful and accountable learning environment. "People come to continuing education because they want to learn something in addition to all the other things they are doing with their lives," she observes.

Tools for Creative Writing

Using generative AI

The rise of generative AI presents both opportunities and challenges for writers. Heather views AI as a tool that should complement, not replace, the creative process. "The best writing will always be created by people," she states, emphasizing the unique human element in storytelling. She encourages her students to have faith in their abilities and to use AI responsibly.

Reading diversely

Heather believes that the best education for a writer is a library card. She encourages her students to read widely across genres and cultures to gain diverse perspectives. "Reading is just as much a part of writing as actually sitting and writing your story," she explains. Exposure to various storytelling methods and voices helps writers develop empathy and a deeper understanding of the world.

Words of Advice for Prospective Students

For those hesitant about taking a creative writing course, Heather offers reassurance and encouragement. "You belong," she says emphatically. She invites prospective students to join the community of writers at University of Calgary Continuing Education and to embrace the joy of storytelling. "If you want to take a writing class, that makes you a writer. Come write with us."


Along with an exciting array of projects and courses lined up, including a research project on biomimicry and a new anthology, Heather will also begin her PhD studies in the fall. In the realm of teaching, she looks forward to continuing her fan fiction course, as well as offering classes in mystery, science fiction and fantasy.

Spark your imagination with creative writing courses at University of Calgary Continuing Education.

Heather Clitheroe

Heather Clitheroe, Continuing Education Instructor

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