TSL 109 - Teaching Practicum (20 hours) - ESL
Course Description
The 20-hour teaching practicum course provides you with an opportunity to observe a TESL Canada certified ESL instructor in a live, in-person classroom setting in the English Language Program at the University of Calgary. This course aims to allow students the opportunity to apply the knowledge and skills learned during the four TSL certificate courses in a supervised teaching practice setting.
The practicum placements will be determined in consultation with the Practicum Supervisor within 4 weeks of the commencement of the practicum placement. The 20 hours of observation and teaching are completed during the day (Monday to Saturday).
More details regarding TESL Canada approved practicums can be found on their website here.
Course Details
The TSL Practicum is optional; however, U of C TSL students seeking a Level 1 TESL Canada Professional Certificate must successfully complete the teaching practicum course.
The 20-hour practicum course consists of 10 hours of classroom observations and 10 hours of teaching using lesson plans you have prepared. You will receive valuable and timely feedback on your lesson plans and classroom delivery in the form of recommendations from your Practicum Sponsor Teacher.
The 20-hour practicum sessions are typically completed in 1.5-hour to 2-hour increments in 13-week semester courses in either a Grammar, Reading/Writing or Speaking/Listening course. There may be summer options available and Saturday options available in the fall and winter, as per the timetable.
In order to register for the TSL Practicum course, you must be registered in the TSL Level 1 certificate and have completed all four TSL certificate courses before starting the practicum. You can register in TSL 109 within 4 weeks of the completion of your last course. Practicum placements are limited, so please register early! .
Registration for this course will close a minimum of two weeks prior to the start of the practicum.
Must be registered in the TSL Level 1 Certificate, and completed all four TSL Certificate Level 1 courses