BMC 208 - Human Resources Information Management
Course Description
Human Resource (HR) departments are accountable for housing and using vast amounts of data that are needed to support human resource and business processes, enable business unit decisions and inform strategic planning. Explore issues around the definition, collection, and use of an electronic HR strategy (e-HR) and related information to improve information flow within and across organizational boundaries.
Course Details
Upon successful completion of the Human Resource Information Management course, you will be able to:
- Assess current practices of human resource information management and the use of e-HR strategies.
- Describe human resource information management needs from multiple stakeholder perspectives
- Identify the advantages of using an e-HR for your business
- Consider potential tools and technologies to improve e-HR strategies for delivering core HR services and managing people more effectively
The course will not cover the implementation of IT Systems
Applies Towards the Following Program(s)
- Human Resource Management Certificate : Optional Courses