A journey of learning, growth, and inspiring others

Diana Mawji has not only weathered the challenges of life but has embraced them as opportunities for growth and learning. Proudly born and raised in Calgary, Diana faced early challenges that interrupted her ability to pursue higher education after high school. Nevertheless, her academic journey continued later in life and took root at University of Calgary Continuing Education, where she first enrolled in a single course as part of her yearly work goals. This small step has led her on a continuous path, where she has since completed three certificates — the Emerging Leader certificate, HR Management certificate, and OHS Fundamentals. She is now on course to finish her fourth, the Advanced OHS certificate.

Diana has shown unwavering commitment to learning and self-improvement. For her, education is not just a means to an end; it's a continuous process that challenges individuals to be better versions of themselves. "I think what I enjoyed the most about taking all of the courses that I have is that it's challenged me to learn more, to be better, to do better," Diana shares.

I think what I enjoyed the most about taking all of the courses that I have is that it's challenged me to learn more, to be better, to do better.

Her enthusiasm for learning has not only opened doors to new knowledge but has also provided her with the opportunity to connect with a diverse range of people. "I've had the opportunity to meet so many people, to engage with them, to learn from them, and just realize that I'm not the only one that's doing this feat of going to school," she says. Through engaging with others, Diana has realized that she is not alone in her journey of pursuing education while balancing the demands of life — herself being a mother of four, a grandmother, and working full time.

One of the key highlights for Diana is the flexibility that Continuing Education programs have provided. Balancing family, a full-time job, and pursuing education can be daunting, but Diana proves that it is possible. "It gives me the flexibility to do everything that I need to do take care of my family, work my full-time job, and still get my education and do really well at it," she notes.

It gives me the flexibility to do everything that I need to do take care of my family, work my full-time job, and still get my education and do really well at it.

Diana's impact extends beyond her own personal and professional development. She serves as an inspiration to her family, proving that age is not a barrier to learning. "You're never too old to learn and you can show your kids that you can learn and get an education," Diana expresses. Her influence is evident in the learning journey of her daughter, who pursued and successfully completed her own post-secondary education. While Diana admits that her kids may sometimes question her commitment, they ultimately recognize and appreciate her dedication. "At the end of the day, they're really proud that I have continued, and I've pushed through, and I'm a better person," she says.

In Diana's view, learning is power, and knowledge is a lifelong companion. "Even if it's something small you have learned that day, it is something new, which makes you better and wiser for that," she reflects. Her journey is a reminder that every step taken towards education, no matter how small, contributes to personal growth and development. To those contemplating a similar path towards further education, Diana advises, "If you are undecided, believe in yourself, push and challenge yourself to learn something new."

Today, Diana can be proud not only of her academic achievements but also for the positive influence she has had on her family and the broader community. Her story inspires and reminds us that the pursuit of knowledge is a lifelong journey and the joy of success is even more rewarding when shared with loved ones.

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