
Course Description

Gain valuable insight into regulatory and ethical aspects of managing an occupational health and safety program. Explore common concepts in provincial and federal occupational health and safety law, including due diligence and the internal responsibility system. Discuss ethical perspectives around individual rights and employer responsibilities such as worker benefits, WCB premiums, employer obligations, and work refusal provisions. Learn strategies to reduce risk, increase compliance, and ensure that your organization is meeting its legal requirements.

Course Details

By completion of this course, successful students will be able to:

  • Understand basic legal terminology: categories of law, principles, concepts, and be able to give examples in the area of OHS law.
  • Define, describe and explain the nature and functioning of the Internal Responsibility System (IRS).
  • Outline the individual and employer duties which typically fulfil the IRS in most jurisdictions.
  • Be able to explain to others the meaning of due diligence and how one derives specific actions from general principles.
  • Give examples of how elements of an OHS management system derive from legal requirements; both specific standards and general duty clauses.
  • Describe the proper role of health and safety committees and worker representatives given the IRS philosophy.
  • Set out the steps involved in a typical work refusal provision, describe the pitfalls, and explain how work refusals can be avoided in the first place; emphasizing the connection with the IRS.
  • Be able to explain the elements of a WHMIS program, their origin in law, and their significance for reducing risk.
  • Describe the proper role of the Inspector/Officer given the real meaning of the IRS.
  • Be able to set out regulatory regimes (both federal and provincial) outside of OHS statutes that affect OHS; e.g. human rights codes, labour relations, public health laws, etc.
  • Understand the nature of criminal negligence and how individuals and organizations can avoid criminal liability.


Formerly: BMC 121 Occupational Health and Safety Law

Applies Towards the Following Program(s)

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Online Asynchronous
Mar 04, 2025 to May 12, 2025
Delivery Options
Course Fees
Flat Fee non-credit $559.00
Reading List / Textbook

Title: OHS Act, Regulation and Code Handbook
Edition: December 7, 2023
ISBN:  9780779847174 
Edition: December 10, 2024 (available in print at the end of February)
ISBN: 9780779851386
Publisher: Alberta King's Printer
Available from Alberta King's Printer (Laws Online Catalogue)

Title: Management of Occupational Health and Safety
Edition: 8th
Authors: Kevin Kelloway, Lori Francis, Bernadette Gatien
Publisher: TopHat
ISBN:  9781774122952 

Visit the UCalgary Bookstore at www.calgarybookstore.ca.

Section Notes

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