
Course Description

Graphic Design History

Examine historical influences on graphic design within a global context to develop your knowledge of graphic design history, enabling you to take inspiration from past design. Topics include the historical and cultural development of visual messages, alphabets and manuscripts, technological advances in print and type and the development of a new profession of Graphic Design which is an integral part of a wide range of industries and occupations that include advertising, marketing, public relations, web design, technology, publishing, and non-profits. Having a foundational knowledge of the history of graphic design will benefit you professionally in this expansive yet competitive field.

Course Details

Learning Outcomes

  • Identify how graphic design is influenced by its cultural and historical context
  • Discuss key figures, events and trends in the history of graphic design
  • Analyze works of graphic design to determine historical significance and current relevance
  • Apply theoretical concepts in the professional field of graphic design

Applies Towards the Following Program(s)

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Online Asynchronous
Apr 29, 2025 to May 26, 2025
Delivery Options
Course Fees
flat fee non-credit $329.00
Reading List / Textbook
No textbook required
Section Notes

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