PIW 162 - Fundamentals of Stock Investing
Course Description
A stock or equity investment is money invested in a company by purchasing shares of that business in the stock markets. Investing in equities effectively puts your money to work and builds your assets and financial well-being. This course will cover important principles for equity investing. Topics include equity valuation processes focused on company analysis, dividends, free cash flow, and market-based valuation techniques. Although simple math skills are applied, investment concepts will be the primary focus. Basic knowledge of investment, economics or finance will be helpful. Join an industry expert in this interactive and engaging course.
Course Details
By the completion of this course, successful students will be able to:
- Discuss principles of equity investing
- Develop a more informed personal equity investment style/strategy
- Identify market conditions and investment considerations to consider when making equity investments
- Develop a collection of equity valuation models and concepts
- Apply theory with practice to determine the intrinsic value of stocks
Strongly Recommended Textbook: Equity Asset Valuation, Jerald E. Pinto – ISBN: 978-1119628101
- hard cover and soft cover available
- valuable workbook resources provided by the text
While there is no formal prerequisite for the course, some basic knowledge and experience in investment, economics or finance will be helpful.