BUS 112 - Creative Conflict Resolution: Making the Most of Differences
Course Description

All organizations have conflict. Healthy organizations encourage conflict and deal with it in a positive, creative manner to reap the benefits of new ideas and improved relationships. This one-day seminar can help you, and your organization, develop a positive approach to conflict resolution. You will gain an understanding of how conflict affects individuals and teams in the workplace. You will examine your approach to dealing with conflict at work, and you will be introduced to, and assisted in, the development of alternative strategies. This seminar will benefit anyone wanting to understand and deal as effectively as possible with conflict.
- Sources of conflict: organizational dynamics and individual differences
- Creative Conflict Resolution Model: steps to take in resolving conflict
- Dealing with emotion, including anger, in conflict situations
- Essential communication skills for resolving conflict
- Using interests to develop creative solutions to conflict problems
Applies Towards the Following Program(s)
- Professional Certificate for Emerging Leaders : Personal Effectiveness Seminars