RUS 101 - Russian 1
Course Description
In this conversationally oriented course, learn useful phrases and basic grammar to be able to carry out simple conversations in Russian.Course Details
The introductory Russian course focuses on developing an immediate familiarity with the Russian language. You will be introduced to the Russian alphabet. Basic conversational dialogue (frequently used expressions, greetings, farewells, essential verbs) will be presented to help students develop their oral skills. Other essential vocabulary such as numbers, asking for help, telling time,schedule, and words related to home, school, and work will be taught. Some basic grammatical information will be integrated throughout the course to assist in conversational skills development.
By completion of this course, successful students will be able to:
- Introduce yourself and use basic greetings and farewells
- Count and tell time using numbers
- Talk about your family
- Create a short story with the vocabulary you have learned in class
- Have a better understanding of Russian culture