
Course Description

Gain a broad overview of risk financing as one of numerous risk treatment options. Techniques for estimating hazard-related losses and transferring hazard loss through the use of insurance are examined. This course focuses on alternative financing techniques for hazard risk including insurance, self-insurance, retrospective rating, captive insurance, and contractual risk transfer.  Methods for transferring financial and hazard risk to capital markets are explored in detail.

Course Details

By completion of this course, successful students will be able to:
  • Explain risk and risk financing
  • Analyze and select risk financing techniques
  • Describe differing approaches to calculate, estimate or model risk
  • Select and calculate risk management cost allocations

Applies Towards the Following Program(s)

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Online Synchronous
T, Th
6:00PM to 9:00PM
Apr 29, 2025 to Jun 10, 2025
Schedule and Location
Delivery Options
Course Fees
Flat Fee non-credit $639.99
  • Mike Dow
Reading List / Textbook

Title: Risk Financing
Edition: 6th
Authors: Elliott, M.
Publisher: The Institutes
ISBN: 978-0894622717

Visit the UCalgary Bookstore at www.calgarybookstore.ca.

Section Notes

Classes are held online in real time (Mountain Time) at the specified time and dates.

This course uses:

  • Desire2Learn (D2L), an online learning management system. The instructor will post the course outline and other materials in D2L.
  • Zoom web conferencing software.

To fully participate in the live sessions, students will need: an internet connection, a reliable headset with microphone and a webcam.

For more information, please visit our Online Learning Resources.

Unless notified, all online courses are available at 9 am MT the day before the start date. Students registering on (or after) the start date will receive access within one day of registration.

Students unfamiliar with online learning are encouraged to take our free Digital Skills for Learning Online course.

Unless otherwise stated, notice of withdrawal or transfer from a course must be received at least seven calendar days prior to the start date of the course.

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