
Course Description

This course is for advanced learners. Students will enjoy a class totally conducted in French. You will expand your vocabulary while building competence for oral and written production.

Course Details

Pour ceux et celles qui possèdent déjà une bonne connaissance de la langue. Enrichissez votre vocabulaire tout en améliorant votre expression orale et écrite.

Après avoir complété ce cours, vous pourrez:

  • Vous exprimer plus facilement grâce à l’acquisition d’un vocabulaire plus riche.
  • Discuter de sujets variés sans avoir à chercher vos mots.
  • Utiliser le plus-que-parfait, les phrases hypothétiques et l’impératif.
  • Ecrire des phrases complètes pour exprimer le but, la cause et la conséquence, l’opposition et la concession


Effective 2021, all students in this course are formally assessed with a letter grade. Those who do not wish to be assessed can apply for course audit.

French is spoken in all classes, even at the beginner level.

Full time U of C students are eligible for a 25% discount on French courses. You must phone our office at 403-220-2866 to register with the discount. Valid for 2022-2023 academic year.


FRE 145 French 6, or equivalent

Applies Towards the Following Program(s)

Enrol Now - Select a section to enrol in
Online Synchronous
6:30PM to 8:30PM
Sep 25, 2024 to Nov 27, 2024
Schedule and Location
Delivery Options
Course Fees
Flat fee non-credit $279.00
  • Chrystele Chevallier-Grabinska
Reading List / Textbook
No textbook required. Materials will be provided in class.


Section Notes

Classes are held online in real time (Mountain Time) at the specified time and dates.

This course uses:

  • Desire2Learn (D2L), an online learning management system. The instructor will post your course outline and other materials in D2L.
  • Zoom web conferencing software.

For more information, please visit our Online Learning Resources.

Unless notified, all online courses are available at 9 am MT the day before the start date. Students registered on (or after) the start date will receive access within one day of registration.

Students unfamiliar with online learning are encouraged to take our free Digital Skills for Learning Online course.

Unless otherwise stated, notice of withdrawal or transfer from a course must be received at least seven calendar days prior to the start date of the course.

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