ICT 414 - Microsoft Word Level 3
Course Description
Microsoft Word Level 3 teaches students how to use a variety of intermediate and advanced features to create and format business documents such as online forms, personalized mailings, or cites reference sources.
Students will learn about automating tasks using merge features, referencing sources used in a document, organizing information by sorting and outlining, protecting documents, and collaborating on documents with others.
Course Details
Registrations within 24 hours of course start time must be made by phone (403-220-2866).
Course ContentCourse Level Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, you will be able to:
- Use advanced design elements by incorporating styles and templates
- Search for complex information and control text flow
- Manage documents by using comments, tracking changes and importing and linking external content
- Combine, restrict, protect, and mark documents as final
- Use productivity tools, hidden tabs, forms, and content controls
- Incorporate building blocks and work with macros
- Work with advanced references such as indexes and tables of contents
- Perform mail merge
Topics of Instruction
- Prepare Documents for Review
- Manage Multiple documents
- Removing document metadata
- Marking as final
- Manage Track changes and Markup Options
- Protecting a document with a password
- Creating custom field formats, custom styles, and Custom Style Sets and Templates
- Setting advanced layout options, advanced space options, and advanced character attributes
- Linking textboxes
- Manage Forms, Fields, and Mail Merge Operations
- Students must be familiar with the personal computer, keyboard and mouse.
- Students must have Microsoft Windows skills and knowledge, and be able to perform the following tasks:
- start and run Windows
- use the taskbar, Start button and Help feature
- use Minimize, Maximize, Restore Down/Up and Close
- use the left and right mouse buttons appropriately
- understand file management techniques
- navigate between files, folders, or drives