
Course Description

Discover the broad field of brand identity and cover the entire process of brand development. Examine the basic principles of product and corporate identities and the process designers use to create brand identity programs. Explore and analyze a series of case studies for different brand models, and create, develop and execute a variety of brand collateral. Students will develop a comprehensive re-branding project that involves research, strategy, logo design and presentation, as well as the development and evolution of collateral to support the brand.

Course Details

By completion of this course, successful students will be able to:

  • Describe the basic elements and functions of branding and brand-related terminology
  • Analyze and evaluate the success of brands through understanding the broad context in which brand design functions
  • Define the principles and processes involved in brand identity design
  • Identify target audience, business objectives, cultural and social factors in brand development
  • Create and execute a rebranded identity and series of accompanying brand collateral
  • Develop original and meaningful branding solutions

Applies Towards the Following Program(s)

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Online Asynchronous
Apr 29, 2025 to Jun 23, 2025
Delivery Options
Course Fees
Flat Fee non-credit $529.00
Potential Price Adjustments
Reading List / Textbook

No Textbook Required. 

Section Notes

This course uses Desire2Learn (D2L), an online learning management system. The instructor will post the course outline and other materials in D2L. For more information about D2L, please visit our Online Learning Resources.

Unless notified, all online courses are available at 9 am MT the day before the start date. Students registered on (or after) the start date will receive access within one day of registration.

Students unfamiliar with online learning are encouraged to take our free Digital Skills for Learning Online course.

Unless otherwise stated, notice of withdrawal or transfer from a course must be received at least seven calendar days prior to the start date of the course.

Receive a discount of 5% per course by registering at the same time for three or more courses within the Visual Design Certificate.

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