
Course Description

Leading Yourself and Others Through Change

While organizations have spent a great deal of time on the project implementation side of change, they still struggle with the human element. Organizational restructuring, company mergers and acquisitions, technology implementations, software upgrades, process improvements and other big changes in the workplace can result in unforeseen problems, as well as frustration, confusion and tension among staff. Recognizing that change is an inevitable part of today's workplace, this seminar is an opportunity to discuss change and the best road to successful outcomes. The focus will be on minimizing the negative effects of change. You will walk away from this seminar equipped with new tools and strategies to help you plan, implement and reinforce your next change effort, greatly improving your chances for smooth and successful change.


  • Types of change
  • Change models
  • Components of successful change initiatives
  • Building resilience during change
  • Planning and implementing successful change initiatives
  • Techniques to identify and minimize resistance to change
  • Reinforcing new behaviours and processes

Applies Towards the Following Program(s)

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Online Synchronous
8:30AM to 4:30PM
Mar 06, 2025 to Mar 13, 2025
Schedule and Location
Delivery Options
Course Fees
Fee Before GST non-credit $639.99
Reading List / Textbook

No textbook required.

Section Notes

Classes are held online in real time (Mountain Time) at the specified time and dates.

This course uses:

  • Desire2Learn (D2L), an online learning management system. The instructor will post the course outline and other materials in D2L.
  • Zoom web conferencing software.

To fully participate in the live sessions, students will need: an internet connection, a reliable headset with microphone and a webcam.

For more information, please visit our Online Learning Resources.

Unless notified, all online courses are available at 9 am MT the day before the start date. Students registering on (or after) the start date will receive access within one day of registration.

Students unfamiliar with online learning are encouraged to take our free Digital Skills for Learning Online course.

Unless otherwise stated, notice of withdrawal or transfer from a course must be received at least seven calendar days prior to the start date of the course.

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