Patricia Connick

Certificate in Spanish Language and Culture

Before travelling to Lima Peru to take a course in tropical medicine in 2005, Pat Connick, a family doctor and mother of three – in the midst of a transition from a demanding medical practice in Calgary to a career in third-world medicine – enrolled in her first Spanish class through University of Calgary Continuing Education.

Despite the challenges imposed by a busy schedule including the usual demands of raising children, combined with occasional medical missions to Guatemala, treating patients at the Calgary Red Cross Refugee Clinic, and working shiftwork delivering babies at Peter Lougheed hospital with the Lougheed Maternity Group, Connick has graduated with a Continuing Education Certificate in Spanish Language and Culture.

Seven years after enrolling, Pat is thrilled to have reached her goal and completed the program. Thanks to her commitment and hard work, she is conversing comfortably with many of her Spanish-speaking patients.

"In my work, it makes life much easier to not have to rely on a translator all the time," she says.

Over the years, Pat's demanding schedule resulted in some breaks between Spanish courses, but her determination took her to the finish line. The numerous courses offered each session provided some scheduling flexibility.

"Having so many choices was great for me, especially with my shiftwork," she says.

Overall, Pat is pleased with her Continuing Education experience. "The instructors were great," she says. "I was lucky enough to have the same teacher for five classes in a row, and she was very good.

"I'm happy with my fluency... but, I'd still like to get better. I want to continue to develop my ear for the language... I'll do that with movies and by listening to Spanish music, television and radio. And I'll probably take more courses as well."


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