Heidi McMann
Teaching Second Language Certificate specializing in Teaching English as Second Language – Level 1
Heidi McMann had already taught English as a second language for several years before enrolling in Continuing Education's Teaching Second Language Certificate program.
After earning her Bachelor of Education from the University of Lethbridge, Heidi taught locally for several years, then moved to Thailand to teach English. Her plan was to be there one year, but instead, she stayed for five. "I really loved teaching there," she says.
When Heidi came back to Calgary in 2011, she found a job teaching English as a second language at the YWCA, and eventually began taking temporary positions with the Calgary Board of Education – at a school with a large ESL program.
"I decided it was time I took some courses that focused on teaching ESL," she says. She planned to enrol in just one or two Continuing Education courses.
"It turned out to be a very good program, so I decided to complete the certificate," says Heidi. "I already knew a lot of what was being taught, but it was nice to learn the theory and the reasons why we teach the way we do in this field."
This was Heidi's first online learning experience. "I would do an online program again," she says. "I really liked the freedom and the flexibility, especially being able to work from home."