FSW 266 - Fostering Affirming Care for 2SLGBTQ+ Clients
Course Description
This 2-part course focuses on 2SLGBTQ+ experiences in accessing affirming care in the fields of medical care, mental healthcare, and social services. The course aims to provide participants with the knowledge, tools, and skills to foster accessible and affirming care for individuals who identify under the 2SLGBTQ+ umbrella.
The first session will focus on the foundations of queer-affirming care, including core concepts, terminologies, and understandings of the experiences of queer individuals when accessing care. The second session will focus on key skills, approaches, and competencies related to providing affirming care and eliminating barriers to care, from intake paperwork to addressing stigma and microaggressions and more. Supplementary resources to support participants in their learning and practice will be provided following each session.
Course Details
Learning Goals:
- Gain confidence in your understanding of 2SLGBTQ+ identities and experiences of accessing care.
- Understand what barriers 2SLGTQ+ individuals face when accessing care and what steps can be taken to reduce or eliminate barriers.
- Gain practical skills, approaches, and knowledge on how to begin the work of fostering affirming care and identify the role of your organization in providing quality services and experiences for 2SLGBTQ+ clients.
For any questions, please contact us at: fswpd@ucalgary.ca