TI 0953 - Supporting Executive Function to Create a More Equitable Learning Experience
Course Description
Executive Functioning refers to a series of cognitive processes required for goal-directed learning. These processes are involved with attention, memory, and planning. Often classroom instruction assumes that all students are operating at peak executive function; however, the reality is that lived experiences of students, such as sleep and stress, often impact executive function.
Learning outcomes: In this workshop, participants will:
• discover how executive function is critical to learning;
• explore how to incorporate strategies and tools to help support students' working memory increase their ability to engage in deep learning; and
• identify how to apply these strategies and tools to any teaching context to support learners from different knowledge traditions and neurodiverse students’ executive functioning abilities to better engage and understand your content.
Please note: Registration will close 2 business days before each workshop. Participants will receive relevant Zoom information via email at least 1 hour before the designated start time.