
Course Description

Course Design Conversations Series: Strategies for In-Person Teaching and Learning, invites you to join in conversations with peers about teaching in the classroom. With the return to classroom instruction there are opportunities and challenges such as connecting remote students, new classroom technology, and engaging students in meaningful discussions.  Each session will have a guest presenter to share their experiences, engage in discussions and explore strategies for effective classroom teaching and learning.

Participants will have opportunities to: 

  • Apply practical strategies to your own classroom instructional needs. 
  • Engage in meaningful discussions with colleagues 
  • Explore the latest trends in classroom instruction to best support student learning 

Please note: Registration will close 2 business days before each workshop. Participants will receive relevant Zoom information via email at least 1 hour before the designated start time.

Enrol Now - Select a section to enrol in
Online Synchronous
12:00PM to 1:00PM
Mar 27, 2025
Schedule and Location
Delivery Options
Course Fees
No Cost non-credit $0.00
Section Notes

Educational Change, Policy, and Cultural Impacts on Transgender Classroom Experiences

This session will use storytelling from personal experience to provide examples of transgender experiences in the classroom which were helpful, and others which were harmful. We will begin with a basic overview of important definitions and language suggestions to foster inclusive classrooms for gender diverse folks. Next we will share a series of stories of our experiences, as students, as educators, and as community members. Each story aims to provide insight into the experience of living and learning in the world as queer and gender diverse folks. We will close with an opportunity for discussion and questions to expand everyone's wealth of knowledge and share personal reflections to the information presented.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Distinguish basic language, including gender identity, gender expression, sex, and pronouns.
  • Learn through stories how small actions can have a big impact on fostering gender inclusive classrooms and spaces.
  • Reflect on personal takeaways from stories told.


Facilitator: Lorelei Anselmo

Guest Speakers: Rebecca Holm (she/her) and Robyn Paul, PhD (she/her)

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