
Course Description

The Teaching Online Program (TOP) badge is comprised of online learning modules and a final online project over the span of two weeks. The program will be delivered in D2L where you will work through the program as a cohort, asynchronously, exploring a variety of strategies and technologies for designing and enhancing online learning while contemplating how online teaching and learning relates to your own contexts.

At the end of the program, you will begin to: 

  • Demonstrate knowledge, skills, and dispositions informed by research and practices of online learning in higher education. 
  • Investigate student-centered online learning within the context of their own discipline. 
  • Select existing media and methods to meet specific student learning needs for a course they are developing or teaching. 
  • Plan, design, and carry out projects addressing student learning needs online. 
  • Engage in discussion as a community of learners to explore and construct concepts and relationships by solving unstructured real-world problems.
  • Develop an awareness of the complexity of online pedagogy and how this might influence your analyses and interpretations of online teaching and learning practice.

Please note: Registration will close 2 business days prior to the course start date. Participants will be contacted with relevant course information via email – as well as enrolled on D2L – on the day the badge begins.


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Unfortunately, this course is not currently open for enrolment.

If you have a Professional and Continuing Education account, take note of the course number and submit a course inquiry to be notified if new sections become available.


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