TI 0606 - Ethical Considerations for Collaborative Teaching and Learning Research
Course Description
Collaborative research enables instructors, graduate students, postdocs, staff, and undergraduate students to improve teaching and learning experiences but requires continuous engagement with ethical decision making. This session is designed to create conversations to foster ethical mindsets.
In this session, participants will learn about:
- History of ethics in human research with human participants, including educational research, focusing on the Canadian context
- Indigenous research ethics
- Ethical considerations in collaborative research partnerships in teaching and learning
- University of Calgary REB research ethics boards and processes
By the end of the session, participants will be able to:
- Explain why an ethical mindset is important, and describe ethical considerations for teaching and learning research
- Initiate dialogue around ethical considerations in research
- Identify the role of culture in how ethical considerations are conceptualized and enacted
- Engage in the CFREB or CHREB ethics processes
Session One: Tuesday, November 2 - 1-4pm (this session is only for trainees-students and postdoctoral scholars)
Session Two: Thursday, November 4 - 9am-noon (this session is only for academic and professional staff)