
Course Description

Engineering Entrepreneurship Essentials is the second* course required to complete the Certificate in Engineering Entrepreneurship.

This non-credit course is offered in the Fall term and is completed through a combination of in-person workshops, virtual synchronous workshops, and online guided learning modules.

*The prerequisite for this course is the first course in the certificate (SSE 100). This material is embedded in the ENGG 200 lectures, activities and professional development seminars.

Learning outcomes:

  • Students will be introduced to key entrepreneurial concepts and skills, including value proposition and market intelligence, product design and development, and startup financials
  • Students will build and develop key interpersonal skills including communication, teamwork, adaptability and resilience, and more

To complete this course, students must:

  • Complete 6 modules, including a combination of in-person workshops, virtual synchronous workshops and online guided learning modules

By fulfilling requirements, students can:

  • Earn a digital badge for the successful completion of this Engineering Entrepreneurship Essentials course
  • Continue on to SSE 300: Advanced Engineering Entrepreneurship



First-time users will be asked to login or create a new account. Under "Known UCID / Other Names on Record (if any)" please make sure to input your UCID. This critical step ensures that you are registered properly and can access the course on D2L. 

Registration in this course is free, and subject to verification that related content has been completed in ENGG 200 (Introduction to Engineering Design).

The deadline to register for the Fall 2024 session is September 20 (11:59pm MT).

Please email schulich.ent@ucalgary.ca with any questions related to registration. 


This course is available to full-time undergraduate students in the Schulich School of Engineering who have completed ENGG 200 (SSE 100). 


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Unfortunately, this course is not currently open for enrolment.

If you have a Professional and Continuing Education account, take note of the course number and submit a course inquiry to be notified if new sections become available.


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