TI 0794 - Blended and Online Foundations
Course Description
Foundations: Participants will have the opportunity to learn about:
- Applying their experience to teaching in blended and online learning contexts,
- Designing courses for virtual classrooms,
- Developing interactive learning materials and activities, and
- Leveraging Universal Design Learning to help students achieve their learning goals.
Each of these sessions focus on establishing a solid foundation for teaching and learning in blended and online contexts and participants will benefit from attending one, some, or all of the workshops. Participants can expect to take away an improved understanding of how to integrate their pedagogy with the unique characteristics of blended and online learning.
Registration will close 48 hours before each workshop. Participants will receive relevant Zoom information via email at least 1 hour before the designated start time.
Please Note: These courses were previously associated with the Blended and Online Workshop Series: Foundations.