TI 0793 - Principles of Community-Engaged Learning (CEL)
Course Description
Community-engaged learning is a type of experiential learning that involves teaching and learning activities that are “designed in partnership with community organizations to address a community-identified need. They seek to cultivate a sense of civic consciousness, to address social issues, and to contribute to the public good (adapted from Brown University, 2019). When done ethically and intentionally, CEL is a rewarding experience for all involved and can generate deep and impactful relationships between the university and our greater community.
When determining what ethical and intentional engagement in CEL looks like, it important to establish principles that can guide our work and align with best practices in the field. In this workshop, participants will examine some key principles of CEL, including reciprocity, inclusivity, to meaningful engagement, co-learning, and partnership, to interrogate their meaning and usefulness, and to consider how these principles are reflected in the CEL work we engage in at UCalgary. Participants will question assumptions about working with community, engage with faculty, student, and community perspectives, and gain a more holistic understanding of what it means to partner with community for teaching and learning.
This course is designed for faculty, students, and staff who are interested in learning more about the principles of CEL. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced practitioner, your participation and perspective is welcome.
By the end of this workshop, participants will:
- Identify and describe the unique qualities of community-engaged learning.
- Critically examine and discuss the principles of reciprocity, inclusivity, meaningful engagement, co-learning, and partnership