TI 0791 - Information Session: FUSION Skill Development Program
Course Description
This information session will provide instructors and staff members with an overview of the FUSION Skill Development Program and how it can be integrated with or offered alongside of an academic course or co-curricular experiential learning program to enhance students’ skill development and provide guided critical reflection.
The FUSION Skill Development Program is a 10-hour, online curriculum delivered through D2L. It is designed to enhance student skills development in three areas critical to 21st century success and leadership: metacognition, communication, and problem-solving. The FUSION Skill Development Program is intended to complement and be completed concurrently with students’ experiential learning and/or work-integrated learning, by providing both skill development and guided critical reflection. Students who successfully completed the FUSION curriculum receive a digital badge to recognize their learning.
By the end of the session participants will:
- Learn about the FUSION Skill Development Program; and
- Explore how the FUSION modules can be integrated with a course or program to complement students’ experiential learning (EL) and/or work-integrated learning (WIL) experience