
Course Description

Succession management is a talent management strategy that identifies, develops and retains internal talent for leader and business critical positions to support current and future business success.

At The City, succession management is about building bench strength (capability and readiness) so that a pool of qualified candidates is ready to compete for a position when it becomes vacant. It is not about promising a job to an employee or entitlement - the regular recruitment process applies in all job applications.

During this half-day workshop, participants will discover how succession fits in with the bigger picture and talent management processes at the City of Calgary.

Course Details

At the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Identify the issues, opportunities and challenges that leaders face in managing each step of the annual succession process
  • Understand The City’s vision, philosophy, process, and approach to succession management as part of an integrated talent management framework
  • Examine best practices and strategies to approach specific scenarios required in their leadership role in succession management
  • Explore practical aspects of succession application using case studies and activities

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