
Course Description

This course seeks to strengthen all previous lexical and grammar structures and to further develop strong communicative skills. Through a series of integrated individual and group project-based activities, the focus is on various forms of language comprehension and production. Classes are conducted solely in Italian.

Course Details

By completion of this course, successful students will be able to:

  • Respond (orally and in writing) to readings, audio and audio-visual material that describe events of the present, past or future using simple verbs from the indicative, conditional, subjunctive and imperative moods
  • Hypothesize different perspectives and/or solutions to issues under discussion
  • Use idiomatic expressions
  • Use vocabulary related to sports, outdoor activities and gastronomy
  • Use vocabulary related to current literature, technology, the environment, the arts, media and entertainment


This course corresponds to the B2 level (upper intermediate) of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).


ITA 106 Italian 6 or equivalent level of fluency as determined by the department.


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