
Course Description

In a traditional flipped classroom, lectures, resources and activities are placed online while class time is dedicated to working together face-to-face with the course material. So, how can you flip an online course? Online courses offer both asynchronous and synchronous learning opportunities for learners. The flipped online classroom enables the instructor to build an interconnected community by working with learners synchronously while also providing rich learning experiences asynchronously. Using education technology, such as Desire2Learn, videos and podcasts, a flipped classroom provides opportunities for students to engage with content and each other asynchronously before attending synchronous sessions. 

By the end of the workshop, you will be able to:
•    Develop a comprehensive understanding of the principles of flipped learning and how they can be applied in an online environment;
•    Identify when to best use synchronous (a.k.a. Zoom) sessions to compliment other course activities; and
•    Identify at least one strategy to implement within the courses they teach.

Please Note: This workshop will be delivered online through Zoom. The Zoom link will be sent to registered participants 1 to 2 hours prior to session.


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