
Course Description

Discover what is Inquiry-Based Learning (IBL) the benefits and challenges of IBL, studies about student and faculty experiences, learning outcomes, and institutional implementation experiences and challenges. Through active learning, we will discuss effective ways to support students as they develop inquiry questions. We will examine the literature about risk and trust in IBL and best practices in supporting students through an IBL course. Participants will be encouraged to consider implementing IBL in an upcoming course and can expect support by way of consultation, modelling, and resources including an instructor handbook on getting started.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of this workshop you will be able to:

  1. Describe inquiry-based learning and it’s benefits and challenges in higher education
  2. Understand strategies to encourage an inquiry mindset within your course
  3. Plan for the implementation of IBL in your course

Session Facilitator: Dr. Beth Archer-Kuhn, PhD.


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