
Course Description

Traditional or “cookbook” labs ask students to confirm known results in the laboratory. Reformed labs invite student inquiry, exploration, and critical thinking. In this course we invite you to consider ways in which you can enrich student learning through modifying lab learning outcomes, learning activities, and integrating reflection in both undergraduate and graduate laboratories. We will share our experiences changing laboratory learning and teaching practices over three years. Small and large-scale reforms will be discussed, and participants will be supported in thinking critically about students’ laboratory learning in their context through the lens of what we have discovered (so far) in our culture change project!

By the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Comprehend laboratory reform and its stages in our project
  • Discover small changes for enriching lab learning and teaching in their context
  • Design a teaching-focused community of practice
  • Integrate reflection with lab learning
  • Contemplate adding student inquiry to lab learning activities

Facilitators: Cari Din and Martin MacInnis

Please note: Registration will close 48 hours before each workshop. Participants will receive relevant Zoom information via email at least 1 hour before the designated start time.


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Unfortunately, this course is not currently open for enrolment.

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