ADL 121 - E-Learning: Principles and Practice
Course Description
Learn about the field of e-learning and the principles, philosophies, models, approaches, technologies, and delivery modes used by practitioners of e-learning. Explore the various needs that e-learning practices can meet and the best ways to effectively implement e-learning to meet those needs.
Course Details
Course Learning Outcomes
By completion of this course, successful students will be able to:
- Identify support for e-learning within the organizational culture
- Specify the skills needed by the organization in order to engage successfully in e-learning
- Evaluate learning needs that could be met with a web based learning environment
- Analyze the project risk of implementing or not implementing e-learning
- Analyze the comparative strengths and weakness of e-learning platforms and other technology tools as they apply to the goal of meeting given learning needs
- Determine e-learning benchmarks to include in the evaluation of an e-learning project
- Develop a business case for e-learning
Students should expect to spend five to seven hours on course work each week.Applies Towards the Following Program(s)
- Certificate in Adult Learning specializing in Adult and Community Education : Optional Courses
- Certificate in Adult Learning specializing in Career and Academic Advising : Optional Courses
- Certificate in Adult Learning specializing in e-Learning : e-Learning Specialization Courses
- Certificate in Adult Learning specializing in Workplace Learning : Optional Courses
- e-Learning Certificate : Core Courses