TI 0896 - Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) Foundations
Course Description
This Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) Foundations program invites participants to explore an Introduction to SoTL, review and reflect on various SoTL topics focused on foundational readings, and draft a preliminary SoTL inquiry. Participants in this program will learn about scholarly, evidence-based approaches to student learning and teaching, and will have the opportunity to reflect and build upon their own teaching and learning practices.
This badge is part of the Graduate Students and Postdoctoral Scholars Certificates in University Teaching and Learning programme.
Participants who register for the badge will be automatically enrolled in the Certificate. This badge requires 12 hours of participation and is open to graduate students and post-doctoral scholars at the University of Calgary.
Learning Outcomes
- Engage in critical reflection to explore current issues, theories and research in the field of SoTL in postsecondary education
- Articulate a research question(s) about teaching and learning grounded in disciplinary-specific context
- Develop a Draft SoTL inquiry
Modules are delivered in an online, asynchronous, self-directed format. There will be one synchronous meeting on April 15?? at 3pm.
Registration Information
- This badge is open and free-of-cost to all current graduate students and postdoctoral scholars with the University of Calgary
- For recent graduates: If you began work on your Certificate prior to completing your graduate studies at the University of Calgary, you may take up to one year after your graduation to complete your Certificate
- This badge is not accepting the registration of external participants i.e. individuals not affiliated with the University of Calgary
Please note: Registration will close within 1 week of the course start date. Participants will be contacted with relevant course information via email – as well as enrolled on D2L – on the day the badge begins.