
Course Description

Enhance your ability to communicate effectively in personal and professional settings. Delve into the most commonly used communication styles at work, identify your own preferred style, and explore strategies to effectively engage with colleagues who have different communication preferences.

Gain a comprehensive understanding of how to adapt your communication approach to suit different styles, enhancing your ability to connect with others and achieve your goals in both small and large group settings. Practical strategies include effective ways of giving and interpreting verbal and non-verbal messages, listening, giving and receiving feedback, leading meetings and giving presentations.

Course Details

Upon the completion of this course, successful students will be able to:

  • Use Insights Discovery to uncover communication style model
  • Explore your own communication style preferences
  • Identify other communication style preferences
  • Analyze your communication style flexibility
  • Describe how effective listening can be used to solve problems and achieve goals 
  • Apply verbal and written communication skills to send clear, congruent messages and persuade or influence others 
  • Assess the influence that gender, culture and personality differences have on communication 
  • Devise strategies to better manage conflict in interpersonal relationships 

   Note: Insights Discovery Assessment 


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