BMC 265 - Environmental Impact Assessments and Reporting
Course Description
Discover the importance of Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA) as a tool to assist in meeting the goals of sustainable development. Examine EIA procedures as practiced currently under the provincial (Alberta) and federal (Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency) regulatory processes. Understand the importance of new and emerging developments on the EIA process in Alberta, including use of third-party reviewers (the 3PC initiative), efforts towards development of standardized Terms of Reference (ToRs) and the shifting of focus to cumulative effects assessments. Gain practical skills on the various steps required to put together an EIA report. The course utilizes a mix of lectures, in-class exercises, break-outs sessions and large group discussions.
Course Details
By completion of this course, successful students will be able to:
- Understand and explain what an Environmental Impact Assessment is
- Describe the objectives and benefits of doing an EIA
- Describe the kinds of projects for which an EIA is required in Alberta and by the federal government
- Identify and describe the key steps involved in putting together an EIA
- Explain and understand the various reports prepared during the EIA process
Applies Towards the Following Program(s)
- Environmental Management Certificate : Optional Courses